Assalamualaikum, lovely people!

As you could tell, my blog is kinda super basic and rarely posting lately. My apology for that. But, it surprised me when some friend of mine (not the close one), seniors, and juniors talked about what I wrote here to my face. What so surprising about that, Adrian? Really? Well, I share what I wrote here but never go like "Hey guys! I write something new on my blog, if you are my real friend, click this link and love this!" That's a no-no for me. I rather like let people voluntarily or accidentally click my post.

Days before while I was in hiatus, a random people approached me via Line asking about Komunitas Jatinangor (Jatinangor Community) that I talked about in here. She asked what kind of weekly activity we had and so on. She wanted to join the community. Then a friend from the community talked about my blog too several days later and asked me if I could be a copywriter for his website. What an opportunity. Days after that, Mr. Arie, my former teacher at DJ ARIE SCHOOL, commented on my post that shared my experience on the school and asked to feature the story on his website. I feel so honored. 

My story is featured in DJ ARIE SCHOOL official website. YASS ^^
There is also one time that my junior in collage, share my story about Skripsi (Undergraduate Thesis) on her LINE Timeline and said that it's relatable for her now. 


This blog with this domain is already 2 years old. My first post is Genetitas Teaser on October 2015. It's a teaser of Campus Event that I made by myself. The post was meant to be a portfolio of mine back then. I officially launch the blog on January 6th, 2016 as the moment is good, at the same time of my hometown-Tanjungpinang-anniversary and still in new year atmosphere. And currently, I just had 26 published post. What a shame -___-"

Beside all of that, I really really want to thank you all for come to my blog. It really means a lot for me. I comeback writing because of you guys. My delivery or content might be still crappy by now, so I really appreciate those who still read these crappy posts.. You guys 대박! xoxo

My upcoming story will be about my study on location on NET TV and INDIKA FM, one of the best Indonesia TV Station and Radio respectively. ^^
How do we remove /? M=1 from Blogspot blog? The best answer.